Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs)Build positive relationships by taking key steps towards reducing unconscious bias and increasing cultural competence.
A RAP provides a framework with measurable actions and outcomes for an organisation to support the movement towards reconciliation in Australia. It helps to build reconciliation and respectful relationships both within an organisation, and in the communities where that organisation operates.
RAPs not only assist with positive relations by taking steps toward reducing unconscious bias and increasing cultural competence, they can benefit the economy by forging new supply connections with the Aboriginal business sector, which has flow-on effects to the economic prosperity of families and communities. IPS assists companies around Australia with the development and implementation of RAPs at all levels. There are four kinds of RAP: Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate.
(Source: Reconciliation Australia) If your business, corporate entity or government department is ready to take the lead in creating change, please give IPS a call on (08) 9721 7057 to talk to us about Reconciliation Action Plans. |
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Get your FREE RAP Implementation toolkit:
The RAP Three Pillars, Relationships, Respect, and Opportunities, underpinned by Governance and Reporting.